Bulk Update
Sometimes you will need to update a property for People in bulk. The easiest way to do this, assuming your Role has permission to do so, is with a Bulk Update from the People section.

You can bulk update:
- Assessments
- Custom User Properties
- Assigned Agent
- Chapter
- AddRemove Tags
- Automation Enrollment
- Event Session Attendance
- Opt Out of Communications
You can also bulk delete People from your database. Be careful, as deleting People from the database cannot be undone
How to do a bulk update
First, set a filter from the People tab targeting the profiles you want to bulk udpate.
Then, click the Bulk Update button under the "..." dropdown.
Once the modal window loads, you can select the property you'd like to bulk edit, then choose the new value that should be assigned for that property, and continue with the bulk update if you're certain. Bulk updates cannot be undone, so please proceed with caution.

Updated 3 months ago