10DLC Compliance
In order to combat spam, phone carriers (Verizon, AT&T, etc.) now require that every text message be sent from a verified entity. 10DLC stands for 10-digit long code, which refers to local US phone numbers with a standard area code, like (415) 555-1234. Solidarity Tech uses these phone numbers for your Chapter Phone Numbers, in order to provide a local number that you can use to for texting and calling your supporters.
When you first signup with Solidarity Tech, we will automatically register your organization with The Campaign Registry in order to comply with all 10DLC texting regulations and ensure that your text messages. Depending on whether your organization has a EIN (employer identification number), we will either register you as a "Sole Proprietor" or a "Low Volume Standard" brand. You will have more success sending text messages when you register with an EIN, and you also won't be limited to a single Chapter Phone Number.
You can always upgrade your brand registration or view it's current status, via the 10DLC Compliance section in the Settings tab of the dashboard.
Sole Proprietor
If no EIN is provided upon signup, you will be registered as a Sole Proprietor brand. This brand will limit you to sending 3,000 text segments per day, at a rate of 1 message per second. You will also be limited to only one Chapter Phone Number. It is advised to secure an EIN, and upgrade your brand to either Low Volume Standard or Standard, as soon as you can.
Low Volume Standard
If EIN provided, you will be registered as a Low Volume Standard brand by default. This brand will limit you to sending 3,000 text segments per day, at a rate of 3.75 message per second. If you are sending messages in high volume (to over ~1,000 supporters) , it is highly advised to upgrade to a Standard brand.
You can upgrade to this with a 1-time $49 brand registration fee that will be charged immediately upon submission. The Standard brand offers the highest daily limits and sending rates. The exact limits that The Campaign Registry assigns to you will be visible in the dashboard once your brand registration has been approved.
Updated 2 months ago