Solidarity Tech gives you a multi-lingual website with powerful Pages designed specifically for organizing and mobilizing supporters. All pages types are fully integrated with the CRM, allowing you to include personalized data into the Pages with merge tags, and to update Person record attributes with form submissions.
Websites come with 12 distinct page types that can accommodate any organizing need, from mailing letters via USPS to campaign targets to accepting donations for your organization. If you think we've overlooked something, feel free to reach out to our support team and explain what it is you're trying to achieve with a page.
Pages can be hosted directly on your
subdomain, or you can connect your own custom domain directly. If you'd rather simply integrate the form with your existing website, follow our instructions for integrating a form.
All form Pages include a set of powerful Post-Submission Automations that you can configure to determine what happens after a Person submits a form.
Use AI Page Translations to seamlessly translate your page content from English, into any of the 92 languages supported.
In text and email communications to your supporters, you can use Page Link merge tags in order to send a personalized link to People, which will recognize them once they click the link. This allows you to avoid re-asking questions a Person has already answered, and avoids the creation the duplicate accounts for a Person.
All pages and communications are designed to be multi-lingual if your organization wants to support languages other than English. You can add additional languages from Page Settings. Adding support for a new language will automatically translate your existing content from your primary language, to the newly added language. You can edit the translations afterwards. When a logged-in Person visits the page, they will be shown the page content in their preferred language if available, otherwise it will default to English. When a non-logged-in Person visits the page, it will display the page content in the language selected in their browser settings if available, otherwise it will default to English.
Anytime a new Person is added to your database, their preferred language is set to the default language specified by that Person's browser settings. Forms with a Preferred Language field or Team Members accessing a Person's profile, can explicitly change the preferred language of a Person.
Updated 12 months ago